Published January 20, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Politics and Spacio-Temporality in the Poetics of Womanhood: (Re)Thinking oeuvres of Meena Alexander

  • 1. Independent Research Scholar



‘Meena’ is a name , taken up by the author herself as penname in place of her original one Mary Elizabeth Alexander. This present paper essays to center upon Meena’s fecundity in her penmanship that gleams the doctrine that several different cultures(rather than one national culture) can coexist peacefully and equitably in a single country that she perceives among motley group of  people having a particular common characteristics in common, pertain to a subgroup within a larger dominant one and relating or believing in a religion. The authors of this paper further  go on illuminating  how Alexander is het up with the functions of a particular position or point in space, anamnesis and the method of human communication in building up a ‘Self’ and thus her creations peruse discordant stuffs of patrimony and her prolapses relating to the ideas , customs and social behavior of society far down or is implanted in her politics of  advocacating of the rights of women on the grounds of political , social and economic equality to men and diasporic sensibility that connotes dislodgement from one ‘space’ (nation-state) to another or rather umpteen exodus in order to create state of being distinctive. Transgressing a streak that enisles  two geo-political cantons , particularly lands and the truth environs the chapfallen demography that splits the condition of co-existence of two or more states, groups, principles, sources of authority in the subsisting culture of  diaspora.

KEYWORDS: Penname, National, Culture, Country, Subgroup, Religion, Self, Communication, Method, Diasporic , Space, Geo-political, Demography, States, Exodus, Political, Social, Economic, Women, Groups, principles and Diaspora.


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