Published July 15, 2021 | Version v1
Conference paper Restricted

Farm to fork: securing a supply chain with direct impact on food security

  • 1. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Sterea Ellada
  • 2. University of West Attica
  • 3. Optimum S.A.
  • 4. Synelixis Solutions S.A


Food security is currently considered a huge societal challenge which technology providers, technology adopters, policy makers and consumers altogether are facing. A first step towards more secure and safe food has been attempted through the deployment mainly of Internet of Things based solutions and applications that gather information and provide it to the users. However, these systems are susceptible to attacks e.g. data leakage and information modification, keeping our societies away from the target of secure food. This paper explores the requirements of the farm to fork supply chain with respect to security and proposes a platform that aims at alleviating and mitigating a wide set of attacks.



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European Commission
FISHY – A coordinated framework for cyber resilient supply chain systems over complex ICT infrastructures 952644