Published March 11, 2022 | Version 0.0
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Mind the Gap: Reach and Mechanical Diversity of Searcher Shoots in Climbing Plants


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  • 1. CNRS
  • 2. Univ Montpellier
  • 3. INRAe


This dataframe corresponds to the article Hattermann et al. "Mind the Gap: Reach and Mechanical Diversity of Searcher Shoots in Climbing Plants"

Variable Abbreviation Description of the variable Type of variable Units
ID Sample identification label at the shoot level Nominal variable  
Taxa Species name Nominal variable  
family Family name Nominal variable  
ds Biomes where shoots have been sampled - "temperate" corresponds to Montpellier, south of France and tropical corresponds to Sinnamary, French Guiana  Nominal variable  
Leaf_expanded Indicates whether a shoot has been considered with at least one expanded leaf (1) or with no leaves (0) Discrete variable  
Group Functional group based on the climbing habit at the species level Nominal variable  
reach Distance in a straight line from the base to the apex of the searcher shoot (here called the “reach”) Continuous variable cm
length Length of the searcher shoot Continuous variable cm
A1_diam_basal Basal diameter of the searcher shoot (measured at the base of the searcher shoot) Continuous variable mm
N_leaves Number of leaves Discrete variable  
seco_mom_I Second moment of area (I) of the measured basal segment (in 4-point bending) of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^4
young_mod_E Structural Young's modulus (E) of the measured basal segment (in 4-point bending) of the searcher shoot from I and EI Continuous variable MN.m-2
flex_rig_EI Flexural bending rigidity (EI) of the measured basal segment (in 4-point bending) of the searcher shoot Continuous variable^2
total_freshmass Freshmass of the searcher shoot (including stems, laminas and petioles) Continuous variable g
lam_freshmass Lamina freshmass borne by the searcher shoot Continuous variable g
total_drymass Total drymass of the searcher shoot (including stems, laminas and petioles) Continuous variable g
lam_drymass Lamina drymass borne by the searcher shoot Continuous variable g
lam_area Lamina fresh area of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^2
A_Pith Medullary parenchyma cross-sectional area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^2
A_Pith_fibers Medullary fibre cross-sectional area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^2
A_Xylem Xylem vessel and fibres cross-sectional area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^2
A_Xylem_ray Xylem parenchymatous ray cross-sectional area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^2
A_Phloem Phloem cross-sectional area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^2
A_Cortex Cortical parenchyma cross-sectional area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^2
A_Sclereids Cortical sclereids cross-sectional area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^2
A_Cort_fibers Cortical fibre cross-sectional area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^2
A_Collenchyma Collenchyma cross-sectional area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^2
A_Periderm Periderm cross-sectional area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^2
I_Pith Medullary parenchyma second moment of area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^4
I_Pith_fibers Medullary fibre second moment of area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^4
I_Xylem Xylem vessel and fibres second moment of area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^4
I_Xylem_ray Xylem parenchymatous ray second moment of area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^4
I_Phloem Phloem second moment of area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^4
I_Cortex Cortical parenchyma second moment of area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^4
I_Cort_fibers Cortical sclereid second moment of area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^4
I_Sclerites Cortical fibre second moment of area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^4
I_Collenchyma Collenchyma second moment of area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^4
I_Periderm Periderm second moment of area at the base of the searcher shoot Continuous variable mm^4



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