Published October 2, 2018 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Campanularia magnifica Fraser 1913


Campanularia magnifica Fraser, 1913b

Campanularia crenata Αllman, 1876: 258, pl. 11, figs. 1, 2.

Campanularia magnifica Fraser, 1913b: 164, pl. 11, figs. 1–3.

Syntypes. BCPM 976-00355-001: Canada, Nova Scotia, Canso, Canso Banks.

BCPM 976-00355-002: Canada, Nova Scotia, Canso, Canso Banks.

Lectotype, by present designation. BCPM 976-00355-001: Canada, Nova Scotia, Canso Banks, 50 fm (91 m), 1902 (?), originally on a stalked ascidian, one colony fragment, 4 mm high, in fairly good condition, without gonophores; slide.

Paralectotype. BCPM 976-00355-002: Canada, Nova Scotia, Canso Banks, 50 fm (91 m), 1902 (?), originally on a stalked ascidian, one colony fragment, 2.5 mm high, in fairly good condition, without gonophores; slide.

Type locality. Canada, Nova Scotia: Canso Banks, 50 fm (91 m), on a stalked ascidian (Fraser 1913b).

Current status. Invalid.

Remarks. In the original description of Campanularia magnifica, no name-bearing type was designated by Fraser (1913b). However, syntype material of the species exists on two slides in the Fraser Hydroid Collection at the RBCM (BCPM 976-00355-001, BCPM 976-00355-002). After examining both slides, we selected the specimen on the first of these (BCPM 976-00355-001) as the lectotype. The specimen on the other (BCPM 976- 00355-002) is assigned paralectotype status. Collections of the species at the NMNH (USNM 23969, USNM 42745) are from sites (Grand Banks, St. Pierre Bank) outside the type locality (Canso Bank, NS) and are not part of the type series.

Cornelius (1982: 52) included Campanularia magnifica Fraser, 1913b from Nova Scotia, along with C. speciosa Clark, 1877 from Alaska, in the synonymy of C. crenata Allman, 1876 from Japan. Geographically, the synonymy seems plausible because the species is circumpolar (Naumov 1960, as C. speciosa; Antsulevich 2015, as Tulpa crenata), including the North American Arctic and Subarctic (Calder 1970, as C. speciosa). Currently listed as Campanularia crenata in WoRMS, it is included here in Tulpa Stechow, 1921a, as T. crenata.


Published as part of Calder, Dale R. & Choong, Henry H. C., 2018, Names of hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) established by Charles McLean Fraser (1872 - 1946), excluding those from Allan Hancock Expeditions, pp. 1-83 in Zootaxa 4487 (1) on pages 66-67, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4487.1.1,


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Collection code
Material sample ID
BCPM 976-00355-001 , BCPM 976-00355-002
Scientific name authorship
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , lectotype , paralectotype , syntype
Taxonomic concept label
Campanularia magnifica Fraser, 1913 sec. Calder & Choong, 2018


  • Fraser, C. M. (1913 b) Hydroids from Nova Scotia. Victoria Memorial Museum Bulletin, 1, 157 - 186. [23 October 1913: date on cover of the bulletin] https: // doi. org / 10.4095 / 104952
  • Cornelius, P. F. S. (1982) Hydroids and medusae of the family Campanulariidae recorded from the eastern North Αtlantic, with a world synopsis of genera. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 42, 37 - 148.
  • Clark, S. F. (1877) Report on the hydroids collected on the coast of Αlaska and the Αleutian Islands, by W. H. Dall, U. S. Coast Survey, and party, from 1871 to 1874 inclusive. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1876, 28, 209 - 238.
  • Naumov, D. V. (1960) Gidroidy i gidromeduzy morskikh, solonovatovodnykh i presnovodnykh basseinov SSSR. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR, 70, 1 - 626.
  • Calder, D. R. (1970) Thecate hydroids from the shelf waters of northern Canada. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 27, 1501 - 1547. https: // doi. org / 10.1139 / f 70 - 175
  • Stechow, E. (1921 a) Neue Genera und Species von Hydrozoen und anderen Evertebraten. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, Αbteilung Α., Heft 3, 87, 248 - 265.