Published February 3, 2022 | Version v1
Poster Open

Classification conundrum in Gamma Ray Bursts

  • 2. CMI, INDIA
  • 3. IIST, INDIA


GRB 210217A is detected with different duration by Swift and Fermi. It is classified as a long GRB by Swift/BAT. On the other hand, the sub-threshold detection by Fermi/GBM classified the burst as a short/hard burst with a duration of 1.024 sec. We present the multi-wavelength analysis of GRB 210217A to identify its actual class using multi-wavelength data. We utilized the T90 - hardness ratio (HR),  T90 - Ep, and  T90 - tmvts distributions of the GRBs to find the probability of GRB210217A being a short GRB. Further, we estimated the photometric redshift of the burst by fitting the joint XRT/UVOT SED and placed the burst in the Amati plane. We found that GRB210217A  is an ambiguous burst showing properties of both short and long classes of GRBs.


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