Published December 24, 2021 | Version camera ready
Conference paper Open

DWH-DIM: A Blockchain Based Decentralized Integrity Verification Model for Data Warehouses

  • 1. University of Amsterdam
  • 2. Spatial Eye B.V.


Data manipulation is often considered a serious

problem in industrial applications as data tampering can lead

to inaccurate financial reporting or even a corporate security

crisis. A correct representation of company data is essential

for the companies’ core business processes and is requested

by governments and investors. However, the current solution,

third-party auditing, is expensive and cannot be fully trusted.

In this paper, we present the Data Warehouse Decentralized

Integrity Model (DWH-DIM) to validate the integrity of the

data warehouse and replace the current process. To address

the challenge that the existing distributed integrity verification

models cannot handle GDPR and are limited by scalability,

our model uses a distributed file system to store attributes that

can be used for the integrity verification task. The blockchain

further confirms the authenticity of the files. Based on the

proposed model, we present a detailed implementation of the

DWH-DIM tool. The implementation is tested with a use case

and several benchmarks. Experimental results demonstrate that

our proposed model is feasible and meets the requirement for

certificate warehouse data.


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