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Published July 2, 2020 | Version v2
Journal article Open

Data and code for: Individual differences show that only some bats can cope with noise-induced masking and distraction.

  • 1. Boise State University
  • 2. Max Planck Institute for Ornithology


We use echolocating bats, a trained discrimination task, and experimental noise playback to explicitly test perceptual mechanisms of noise disturbance in individual bats. We demonstrate high individual variability in response to noise and evidence for multiple perceptual mechanisms. Additionally, we highlight that only some individuals are able to cope with noise, while others are not. Different adjustments to active sensory perception may allow bats to cope with noise. However while all bats strongly increased call amplitude and showed additional minor changes in call duration and frequency, these changes cannot explain the differences in coping and non-coping individuals in our system. 

Peer-reviewed article here:



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