Published September 22, 2021 | Version v1
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Philosophy [586]


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B 156. Size 81/4 in. by 5 in.; foll. 157. Mostly twenty-five lines in a page.

I.Foll. 1-99. SAIYID SHARÎF JURJÂNÎ’S Glosses on Ḳuṭb al-dîn’s Commentary on the مطالع الانوار (see no. 525).

The first part written in a small but legible hand, and the rest in a minute and rather illegible character; the beginning of each gloss marked with an asterisk, instead of قوله. Finished on 8th Ramaḍân, 828, by Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan Ṣâdiḳ Ḥusaînî الاهلى.

Various marginal notes. Two leaves missing after fol. 6. Fol. 55 mutilated.

II.Foll. 100-102. ‘AḌUD AL-DÎN ÎJÎ’S (‘Abd al-raḥmân b. Aḥmad, d. A.H. 756) short treatise on Dialectics, الرسالة العضدية, or more commonly, الرسالة الوضعية. Ḥ. Kh. mentions this treatise under رسالة فى الوضع(iii. 453), but describes it more fully under آداب (i. 210). Cf. Krafft, Hdss. Akad. Wien, 155, and Cat. St. Petersb. 221.

It begins here, with the omission of the introductory words, as follows:قال المولى عضد الدين خاتم المجتهدين هذه فائدة تشمتل الخ.

Written by the second hand of the preceding piece, but more plainly. Dated Dhu’l-ḳa’dah, 831.

III.Foll. 102v.-139. Glosses on the second part (مباحث التصديقات) of Ḳuṭb al-dîn’s Commentary on the مطالع الانوار.The author not mentioned.

Beginning:قد تبين لك مما سلف لك من معنى القضية 1 معنى القضية ما يحتمل الصدق و الكذب.

This piece is written, as is also the remainder of this volume, in the same style as the second part of I. Dated Samarḳand, Sha’bân, 818 (!!). Some notes.

IV. Foll. 140-141. Some Glosses on a dialectic treatise, beginning:قوله فيلوّح بايراد ملخص كلامه بيان هذا موقوف على مقدمتين احديهما ان الكلمة لا شك انها موضوعة للنسبة الى امر معين.

V.Fol. 142. A short treatise on the three grades of existence. It is inscribed by a different hand,رسالة تقسيم موجودات . According to the beginning (مراتب الموجودات الخ), it seems to be identical with the treatise mentioned by Ḥ. Kh. iii. 452, under رسالة فى الوجود in the second place , and ascribed by him to SAIYID SHARÎF ; and also with Cat. Lugd. iii. 376, MDLXV., though the latter is ascribed to Molla Luṭfî.

VI.Foll. 142v.143. Another treatise on existence, inscribed by the later hand,رساله در مبحث وجود .

Begins: کل مفهوم مغایر للوجود.

The remainder of fol. 143 is filled with a note, which is written in the opposite direction. It begins:اعلم أن الالهام قد يكون خيرا و قد يكون شرّا.

VII.Foll. 143v.-146. ḲUṬB AL-DÎN’S رسالة فى تحقيق الكليات, the same as that described in Aumer, Hdss. Münch. 308, no. 5, and Cat. Lugd. iii. 377. Cf. Ḥ. Kh. iii. 433.

The colophon gives the name of the copyist as above, and the date, Sha’bân, 828.

VIII.Foll.146v.155. A treatise on fenced propositions, author unknown. It is inscribed by the later hand:رسالة تحقيق محصورات .

Begins:الحمدلله مفيض الجود‘ و مبدع نظام الوجود.

The first part (قسم) is فى تحقيق المحصورات الحملية, and the second (fol. 152),فى تحقيق المحصورات الشرطية.

The colophon gives the name of the copyist as above, and the date, 6th Ramaḍân,828.

IX.Foll. 155v.-157. The treatise,الرسالة الحرفية الشريفية, described in Aumer, Hdss. Münch. 308, no. 6. The author appears to be SAIYID SHARÎF JURJÂNÎ.

Written in a more legible style. Dated A.H. 831.The book is injured by damp.


1 Words from the commentary (=fol. 16v. of no.524).



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