Published May 27, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) pseudosphecodimorphum


Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) pseudosphecodimorphum (Blüthgen, 1923) * [= L. (Sphecodogastra) pseudosphecodimorphum]

Distribution: EAST MEDITERRANEAN: Turkey, Syria, Israel, Jordan (Pauly 2016a).

Local distribution fig. 12.13

Material examined. Bekaa: Blaika, 1325 m, 3. VII.2019, 1♀, det. Pauly A., leg. Ghisbain G., coll. UMONS.

Mount Lebanon: Bentael, 378 m, 23.IV.2019, 1♀, det. Pauly A., leg. Boustani M., Rasmont P., Nemer N., coll. MBOU. Additional 9♀ from 5 records collected between 26.IV.2019 and 23.VII.2019, from Chammis, Akoura, Bentael, Souk El Ghareb.

N. Lebanon: Qadisha, Lebanon Mountain Trail, 936 m, 9.V.2017, 1♀, det. Pauly A., leg. Boustani M., coll. MBOU. Additional 18♀ from 13 records collected between 29.VI.2017 and 31.VII.2019, from Hadath El Jebbe, Arz Tannourine, Douma, and Ehden.

Flower records. Apiaceae: Eryngium glomeratum; Asteraceae: Centaurea cf pallescens; Boraginaceae: Echium glomeratum; Capparidaceae: Capparis spinosa; Fabaceae: Ononis natrix; Hypericaceae: Hypericum scabrum; Lamiaceae: Nepeta sp.; Rubiaceae: Galium sp.


Published as part of Boustani, Mira, Rasmont, Pierre, Dathe, Holger H., Ghisbain, Guillaume, Kasparek, Max, Michez, Denis, Müller, Andreas, Pauly, Alain, Risch, Stefan, Straka, Jakub, Terzo, Michael, Achter, Xavier Van, Wood, Thomas J. & Nemer, Nabil, 2021, The bees of Lebanon (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila), pp. 1-146 in Zootaxa 4976 (1) on page 45, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4976.1.1,


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  • Bluthgen P. (1923) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Bienengattung Halictus Latr. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, A 89 (H 5), 232 - 332.
  • Pauly, A. (2016 a) Le genre Lasioglossum, sous-genre Evylaeus Robertson, 1902, de la Region Palearctique. Atlas Hymenoptera. Available from: http: // www. atlashymenoptera. net / page. aspx ?? ID = 95 (accessed 10 November 2020)