Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) pseudosphecodimorphum (Blüthgen, 1923) * [= L. (Sphecodogastra) pseudosphecodimorphum]

Distribution: EAST MEDITERRANEAN: Turkey, Syria, Israel, Jordan (Pauly 2016a).

Local distribution fig. 12.13

Material examined. Bekaa: Blaika, 1325 m, 3. VII.2019, 1♀, det. Pauly A., leg. Ghisbain G., coll. UMONS.

Mount Lebanon: Bentael, 378 m, 23.IV.2019, 1♀, det. Pauly A., leg. Boustani M., Rasmont P., Nemer N., coll. MBOU. Additional 9♀ from 5 records collected between 26.IV.2019 and 23.VII.2019, from Chammis, Akoura, Bentael, Souk El Ghareb.

N. Lebanon: Qadisha, Lebanon Mountain Trail, 936 m, 9.V.2017, 1♀, det. Pauly A., leg. Boustani M., coll. MBOU. Additional 18♀ from 13 records collected between 29.VI.2017 and 31.VII.2019, from Hadath El Jebbe, Arz Tannourine, Douma, and Ehden.

Flower records. Apiaceae: Eryngium glomeratum; Asteraceae: Centaurea cf pallescens; Boraginaceae: Echium glomeratum; Capparidaceae: Capparis spinosa; Fabaceae: Ononis natrix; Hypericaceae: Hypericum scabrum; Lamiaceae: Nepeta sp.; Rubiaceae: Galium sp.