Published June 18, 2021 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Spiral Waves Generation Using an Eikonal-Reaction Cardiac Electrophysiology Model

  • 1. Université de Bordeaux
  • 2. Inria Bordeaux
  • 3. Kings College of London


Aim: Computer models enabled the study of the fundamental mechanisms responsible for arrhythmias and have the potential of
optimizing the clinical procedure for an individual patients pathology. The model complexity and the computational costs affecting computer models hamper their application on a routinely performed procedure. In this work, we aim to design a computer model suitable for clinical time scales. Methods: We adopt a (multi-front) eikonal model that adapts the conduction velocity to the underlying electrophysiology; we describe the diffusion current using a parametrised form, fitted to reproduce the monodomain profile.

Results: We simulated spiral waves on a 3D tissue slab and bi-atrial anatomy. We compared the numerical results obtained with a monodomain formulation with those obtained with the new method. Both models provided the same pattern of the spiral waves.
While the monodomain model presented slower propagation fronts, the eikonal model captured the correct value of the conduction velocity CV even using a coarse resolution.

Conclusion: The eikonal model has the potential of enabling computer-guided procedures when adapts the conduction velocity to the underlying electrophysiology and characterises the diffusion current with a parametrised form.



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10.1007/978-3-030-78710-3_50 (DOI)


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