Published June 18, 2021 | Version v1
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Prayers and Charms [363] کنز العباد فی شرح الاوراد


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1460. Size 93/4 in. by 5 in.; foll. 378. Twenty-three lines in a page.

A copious Commentary on a Religious Manual (اوراد) by “Shihâb al-dîn.” The commentator styles himself ‘ALÎ B. AḤMAD GHÛRÎ (الغوری),1 of خطه کره (?), a disciple of Shaikh Rukn al-dîn, and he entitles his work کنز العباد فی شرح الاوراد . See Ḥ. Kh. v. 254, who identifies the author of the manual with the celebrated ‘Omar Suhrawardî (d. A.H. 632). This work is written in Persian, but the commentary is in Arabic. The latter was compiled from various works in both languages, on rhetoric, lexicography, grammar, and law. The passages to be explained are introduced by قوله.


اعظم المحامد لله العظیم و اکرم الصلوات علی رسوله الکریم اما بعد فان هذا شرح الاوراد للشیخ الاجل الکبیر محیی السنة ماحی البدعة الخ.

Well written in two hands; terminating abruptly. The beginning is much injured. Foll. 72 and 73 should be transposed. A defect after fol. 270.

Cf. Stewart’s Catal. 176, xi.



1 The present MS. has الفوری.



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