Published July 31, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Summary of User Requirements (CURE Deliverable D1.1)

  • 1. University of the West of England, Bristol
  • 1. Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 2. University of Basel
  • 3. German Aerospace Center
  • 4. Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologically Onderzoek NV
  • 5. GISAT SRO
  • 6. Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation
  • 7. Cware Circular Economy


This document presents CURE stakeholder needs and requirements to shape the development of CURE cross-cutting applications. This deliverable is informed by state-of-the-art specifications of user requirements in urban resilience and spatial planning, supported by general requirements from a wider stakeholder group, all providing prime focus on requirements gathering from the CURE front-runner pilot cities. The aims here are to: a) identify various user needs and requirements to develop an understanding of different user expectations of Copernicus based data, and b) to identify commonalities that can be useful for the development of generic products applied to other European cities.



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European Commission
CURE – Copernicus for Urban Resilience in Europe 870337