Body posture and competitive sport - a review of selected studies
Makarczuk Anna. Body posture and competitive sport - a review of selected studies. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2020;10(12):192-200. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI
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Received: 05.12.2020. Revised: 15.12.2020. Accepted: 29.12.2020.
Body posture and competitive sport - a review of selected studies
Anna Makarczuk[1]
University of Lodz, Faculty of Educational Sciences, The Education Center for Sport Pedagogists, mail:
Increased motor activity does not unequivocally affect the incidence rates of correct and incorrect postures and practising physical exercise does not ensure good posture. One-sided load that occurs in competitive sports affects the formation of physiological curves of the spine, most often causing their deepening. In disciplines characterised by asymmetry of movements, lateral curvatures of the spine occur more often than in others.
In order to achieve a posture considered to be correct, in addition to general development and sports result-oriented exercises, it is necessary to consciously shape and correct it.[2] This is especially important when working with children and youth. It should be remembered that the susceptibility of the spine to changes in the shape of curves is different and depends on age. Wolański studied the so-called critical periods of posturogenesis among Warsaw youth and stated that the most dangerous age is between 12 and 15 for boys and between 10 and 13 for girls.[3] It is then that the thoracic and lumbar curves are characterised by the greatest lability. They are very often deepened, which the author explains, among others changes in body proportions, i.e. elongation of the lower limbs. The commencement of professional training often takes place during this period, therefore, compensatory exercises should be its permanent element.
Key words: competitive sport, body posture
[1]University of Lodz, Faculty of Educational Sciences, The Education Center for Sport Pedagogists, mail:, ORCOD: 0000-0001-8668-0737.
[2]Chobocka E. Ćwiczenia wyrównawcze dla hokeistów, siatkarzy i piłkarzy nożnych. Wychowanie Fizyczne i Higiena Szkolna. 1988; 6: 187 – 190. Polish.
[3]Wolański N. Krytyczny wiek w kształtowaniu się postawy ciała. Chirurgia Narządów Ruchu. 1958; 23(2): 129 – 133. Polish.
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