Published September 24, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Surgical management options for Bartholin's gland abscess


Krupa Adrianna, Piasek Ewa. Surgical management options for Bartholin’s gland abscess. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2020;10(9):671-675. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI






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Received: 10.09.2020. Revised: 24.09.2020. Accepted: 24.09.2020.











Surgical management options for Bartholin’s gland abscess


Adrianna Krupa, Ewa Piasek



Adrianna Krupa, MD, ORCID:0000-0003-0866-3952

Department of Human Anatomy, Medical University of Lublin, Jaczewskiego 4 Street, 20- 090 Lublin, Poland

Ewa Piasek, MD,, ORCID:0000-0003-3344-4022

I Clinic of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, Medical University of Lublin, Jaczewskiego 8, 20-954, Lublin, Poland




Bartholin's glands, also known as greater vestibular glands, are two mucus-secreting glands located in the posterolateral wall of the vagina opening. The function of these glands is to produce mucus that moisturizes the vestibule of vagina. When the outflow path from the gland is blocked, a cyst forms. When the abscess is formed usually it is infections with a polymicrobial background.The most common symptoms of a Bartholin's gland cyst or abscess include pain in the vulva, swelling, difficulty walking, dyspareunia, and fever.

The procedure of choice in this case is surgery. The operator can choose from among many possible options, among others there is simple incision and drainage of the cyst, marsupialization, a Word catheter, silver nitrate application, alcohol sclerotherapy, excision and laser CO2 and, as a last resort, surgical removal of the gland.

The aim of this study is to review the most common surgical procedures used in Bartholin's gland cyst or abscess.


Key words: Bartholin’s gland cyst, Bartholin’s gland abscess, surgical procedures



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