Published September 21, 2020 | Version pre-print
Conference paper Open

Open-Source Software Tools for Measuring Resources Consumption and DASH Metrics


When designing and deploying multimedia systems, it is essential to accurately know about the necessary requirements and the 
Quality of Service (QoS) offered to the customers. This paper presents two open-source software tools that contribute to these 
key needs. The first tool is able to measure and register resources consumption metrics for any Windows program (i.e. process id),
like the CPU, GPU and RAM usage. Unlike the Task Manager, which requires manual visual inspection for just a subset of these 
metrics, the developed tool runs on top of the Powershell to periodically measure these metrics, calculate statistics, and register them in log files. The second tool is able to measure QoS metrics from DASH streaming sessions by running on top of TShark, if a non-secure HTTP connection is used. For each DASH chunk, the tool registers: the round-trip time from request to download, the number of TCP segments and bytes, the effective bandwidth, the selected DASH representation, and the associated parameters in the MPD (e.g., resolution, bitrate). It also registers the MPD and the total amount of downloaded frames and bytes. The advantage of this second tool is that these metrics can be registered regardless of the player used, even from a device connected to the same network than the DASH player.



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European Commission
VRTogether – An end-to-end system for the production and delivery of photorealistic social immersive virtual reality experiences 762111