Published March 18, 2020 | Version 1
Project milestone Open

ENVRI-FAIR MS23: First face-to-face FAIR data management training event for ENVRI data centre staff completed

  • 1. Lunds universitet
  • 2. E-Science European Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research
  • 3. Universiteit van Amsterdam


The objective of Work Package 6 is to provide training to ENVRIs and key ENVRI stakeholder
groups about the FAIR principles, how to implement them in RI services and data
management activities at data centre level, how to evaluate the degree of implementation
using FAIR metrics, as well as relevant legal and policy requirements.
While Task 6.1 is concerned with preparing and disseminating training resources, the main
responsibility of Task 6.2 is to organise and provide training for data centre staff from RIs
(both inside and outside of ENVRI-FAIR) on FAIR implementation.
The primary target group for the training is staff at the ENVRI data centres, especially those
concerned with data management and service architecture. This group will benefit both
from self-paced study activities and from tutorial sessions organized e.g. in connection to
project collaboration meetings and Webinars. A second important target group for the
training is the staff of data centres of key local, regional and national institutions dealing
with environmental data. In fact, many RIs are concerned with coordinating and
disseminating data products (and services) produced by external contributors. These data
provider communities will also benefit from training in FAIR practices. To promote this,
tutorial sessions will be organized in connection to domain-specific conferences.


MS23 - First face-to-face FAIR data management training event for ENVRI data centre staff completed.pdf

Additional details


ENVRI-FAIR – ENVironmental Research Infrastructures building Fair services Accessible for society, Innovation and Research 824068
European Commission