Published May 31, 2020 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

ON-MERRIT D3.1 RRI and Open Science Datasets

  • 1. Open University
  • 2. University of Minho
  • 3. Know-Center
  • 4. Göttingen State and University Library


This deliverable presents ON-MERRIT’s RRI and Open Science Datasets. More specifically, it describes two datasets, the Promotion, Review and Tenure Dataset (PRT) and the Research Papers Dataset. It also provides detailed information about the contents of the dataset and the need for its creation.

The deliverable covers the process used to create a dataset composed of 1) a collection of promotion review and tenure (PRT) university policies (42) from seven countries (Austria, Brazil, Germany, India, Portugal, United Kingdom and the United States) and 2) a corpus of scholarly research outputs processed from MAG and CORE, the world’s largest aggregator of Open Access content. The purpose of the dataset is to enable the quantitative analysis of the links between criteria for academic progression and the productivity of academics, both in terms of traditional metrics as well as in terms of their Open Science practices. The significance of this dataset lies in its potential to answer a range of questions (see Section that are key to our understanding of what motivates academics with regards to their research practices and publishing behaviours, using various indicators, including the MoRRI indicators. From a policy perspective, the dataset could also be used to analyse changes in institutional PRT policies towards Open Science, which are likely to result in much-needed adoption of Open Science practices across academia. 
The uniqueness of these datasets lies in the fact that after their public release in a machine-readable form, they can be reused by the scientific community to answer questions relating to academic productivity, RRI and Open Science.



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European Commission
ON-MERRIT – Observing and Negating Matthew Effects in Responsible Research and Innovation Transition 824612