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Published September 4, 2008 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Gnypeta groenlandica Lohse 1989

  • 1. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Laurentian Forestry Centre, Quebec, QC, Canada & C 136 Eddc & A- 86 C
  • 2. 24 Millstream Drive, Fredericton, NB, Canada & F-


6. Gnypeta groenlandica Lohse

(Figs 8, 26 a, b, 83-90, 195)

Gnypeta groenlandica Lohse 1989: 58. HOLOTYPE (male): GREENLAND, Nedre Midsommer Sö, 2.VII.1966, Can. Peary Land Expd. [Expedition] (CNC). Examined.

Material examined

Specimens are listed in Appendix A.


This species can be recognized by the following combination of characters: body robust, length 3.2-3.7 mm (Fig. 8); elytra (at suture) about as long as pronotum and 1/5 wider than maximum width of pronotum (Fig. 8); abdomen at base as broad as elytra and slightly broadening posteriorly (Fig. 8); antennal article 4 subquadrate or slightly elongate, 3-6 slightly to strongly transverse, 7-9 strongly transverse (Figs 26 a, b); median lobe of aedeagus with apical part narrowly produced and sinuate laterally (Fig. 83), bulbus in dorsal view with broad lateral swells (Fig. 84); spermatheca with capsule longer than wide, funnel-shaped, lateral sides subparallel (Fig. 88); stem curved, sinuate apically and slightly swollen basally (Fig. 88); male tergite 8 strongly transverse and truncate apically (Fig. 86).


Body length 3.2-3.7 mm; uniformly dark brown to black (Fig. 8); integument moderately glossy; pubescence yellowish grey and moderately long and dense; antennal article 4 subquadrate or slightly elongate, 5-6 slightly and 7-9 strongly transverse (Figs 26 a, b); head and pronotum of about the same width (Fig. 8); elytra and abdomen wider than either head or pronotum; elytra small and short (Fig. 8); head rounded basally; pronotum broadest in apical third, pubescence directed anterad along midline and laterad elsewhere; elytra (at suture) about as long as pronotum and 1/5 broader than maximum width of pronotum (Fig. 8), pubescence directed obliquely postero-laterad,

in wavy pattern medially on each side; abdomen swollen medially, as broad as elytra at base (Fig. 8); metatarsus with two basal articles of about the same length and the third one slightly shorter. Male. Tergite 8 transverse and truncate apically and slightly concave medially (Fig. 86). Sternite 8 elongate and slightly produced posteriorly (Fig. 87). Median lobe of aedeagus with narrowly produced and sinuate apical part of tubus in lateral view (Fig. 83), sides swollen in dorsal view; bulbus moderately large (Fig. 84); internal sac with structures as illustrated (Figs 83, 84). Female. Tergite 8 truncate apically (Fig. 89). Sternite 8 broadly rounded posteriorly (Fig. 90). Spermatheca with capsule elongate, funnel-shaped with sides subparallel (Fig. 88); stem curved, sinuate apically and swollen basally (Fig. 88).

Distribution (Fig. 195)

Gnypeta groenlandica is a Nearctic species recorded here from Greenland, and newly in Canada (Manitoba, Nunavut, Yukon Territory), and the United States (Alaska).

Collection and habitat data

Adults were collected in June, July and August, mainly in alpine habitats from Salix litter, litter on shore of a lagoon, and in crown of Ross’s Avens (Geum rossii), rose family (Rosaceae).


The late Steve Ashe (University of Kansas) worked on a revision of Nearctic Gnypeta, but was not able to complete it. Some CNC specimens of this species bear his identification labels as G. praeminosa Ashe, 1987 [manuscript – unpublished name].


Published as part of Klimaszewski, Jan, Savard, Karine, Pelletier, Georges & Webster, Reginald, 2008, Species review of the genus Gnypeta Thomson from Canada, Alaska and Greenland (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae): systematics, bionomics and distribution, pp. 11-84 in ZooKeys 2 (2) on pages 39-41, DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.2.4,


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Taxonomic concept label
Gnypeta groenlandica Lohse, 1989 sec. Klimaszewski, Savard, Pelletier & Webster, 2008


  • Lohse GA (1989 a) Staphylinidae II (Hypocyphtinae und Aleocharinae). In: Lohse GA, Lucht WH (Ed). Die Kafer Mitteleuropas. Band 12. Supplementband mit Katalogteil. Goecke & Evers, Krefeld.