6. Gnypeta groenlandica Lohse

( Figs 8, 26 a, b, 83-90, 195)

Gnypeta groenlandica Lohse 1989: 58.

HOLOTYPE (male): GREENLAND, Nedre Midsommer Sö, 2.VII.1966, Can. Peary Land Expd. [Expedition] (CNC). Examined.

Material examined

Specimens are listed in Appendix A.


This species can be recognized by the following combination of characters: body robust, length 3.2-3.7 mm ( Fig. 8); elytra (at suture) about as long as pronotum and 1/5 wider than maximum width of pronotum ( Fig. 8); abdomen at base as broad as elytra and slightly broadening posteriorly ( Fig. 8); antennal article 4 subquadrate or slightly elongate, 3-6 slightly to strongly transverse, 7-9 strongly transverse (Figs 26 a, b); median lobe of aedeagus with apical part narrowly produced and sinuate laterally ( Fig. 83), bulbus in dorsal view with broad lateral swells ( Fig. 84); spermatheca with capsule longer than wide, funnel-shaped, lateral sides subparallel ( Fig. 88); stem curved, sinuate apically and slightly swollen basally ( Fig. 88); male tergite 8 strongly transverse and truncate apically ( Fig. 86).


Body length 3.2-3.7 mm; uniformly dark brown to black ( Fig. 8); integument moderately glossy; pubescence yellowish grey and moderately long and dense; antennal article 4 subquadrate or slightly elongate, 5-6 slightly and 7-9 strongly transverse (Figs 26 a, b); head and pronotum of about the same width ( Fig. 8); elytra and abdomen wider than either head or pronotum; elytra small and short ( Fig. 8); head rounded basally; pronotum broadest in apical third, pubescence directed anterad along midline and laterad elsewhere; elytra (at suture) about as long as pronotum and 1/5 broader than maximum width of pronotum ( Fig. 8), pubescence directed obliquely postero-laterad,

in wavy pattern medially on each side; abdomen swollen medially, as broad as elytra at base ( Fig. 8); metatarsus with two basal articles of about the same length and the third one slightly shorter. Male. Tergite 8 transverse and truncate apically and slightly concave medially ( Fig. 86). Sternite 8 elongate and slightly produced posteriorly ( Fig. 87). Median lobe of aedeagus with narrowly produced and sinuate apical part of tubus in lateral view ( Fig. 83), sides swollen in dorsal view; bulbus moderately large ( Fig. 84); internal sac with structures as illustrated ( Figs 83, 84). Female. Tergite 8 truncate apically ( Fig. 89). Sternite 8 broadly rounded posteriorly ( Fig. 90). Spermatheca with capsule elongate, funnel-shaped with sides subparallel ( Fig. 88); stem curved, sinuate apically and swollen basally ( Fig. 88).

Distribution (Fig. 195)

Gnypeta groenlandica is a Nearctic species recorded here from Greenland, and newly in Canada ( Manitoba, Nunavut, Yukon Territory), and the United States ( Alaska).

Collection and habitat data

Adults were collected in June, July and August, mainly in alpine habitats from Salix litter, litter on shore of a lagoon, and in crown of Ross’s Avens ( Geum rossii), rose family ( Rosaceae).


The late Steve Ashe (University of Kansas) worked on a revision of Nearctic Gnypeta, but was not able to complete it. Some CNC specimens of this species bear his identification labels as G. praeminosa Ashe, 1987 [manuscript – unpublished name].