Published May 16, 2007 | Version v1
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University Information System RUSSIA: Bilingual (Russian-English) Search Tools to Intergrate Data and Knowledge Products

  • 1. Moscow State University


University Information System RUSSIA ( is an electronic library serving RF social research and education. The system has been in operation since 2000. Currently up to 3 million. documents from 60+ holdings are in the system. The UIS RUSSIA is maintained as an integrated resource with content-based searching across collections. The technology for automatic linguistic text processing (ALTP, special software-lingware-knowledgeware complex) was designed, developed and implemented within the framework of the project. The technology is customized to process all main types of business prose documents. Documents in English may be also processed and cross-searched, exploiting bilingual (Russian-English) search tools. A short summary in Russian accompanies a document in English. Journal of Economic Literature (JEL)-based searching is implemented and is currently being tested on the full-text SocioNet module which maintains publications on economic and social sciences in English available via links in the Research Papers in Economics (RePEc; electronic library; the collection covers 30000+ articles. In 2007, the UIS RUSSIA team plans to integrate foreign universities' and think-tank publications in English. Search in English across UIS RUSSIA holdings (in Russian) is completed.



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