Published May 30, 2018 | Version v1
Presentation Open

New approaches to instruction: Programming language instruction in academic libraries

  • 1. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • 2. Duke University
  • 3. Columbia University


Programming language instruction is a relatively new offering in academic libraries. A variety of approaches have been adopted, with varying outcomes. In this panel, staff from three university libraries will present programming language instruction efforts.Columbia University Libraries initiated the Open Lab concept two years ago, a weekly session to facilitate learning languages such as R and Python. Participants are given a brief lesson with time to practice, ask questions, and learn from one another in an open environment.The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library staff members adopted the Open Labs model for teaching R with campus partner the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science. Other efforts include traditional workshops and participation in a campus working group.Librarians from Duke University explored a variety of teaching formats for providing R and Python instruction ranging from workshops, boot camps, and community engagement events designed to expand the R/Python community on campus while simultaneously increasing their ability to consult in these areas.Panelists will share their experiences and lessons learned in providing programming language support by describing their approaches, attendee characteristics, staffing and partnerships, and community-building endeavors, and close by relating outcomes and plans for the future.



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