Published June 30, 2019 | Version final
Conference paper Open

ImAc Player: Enabling a Personalized Consumption of Accessible Immersive Contents

  • 1. i2CAT Foundation


Accessibility is a fundamental requirement for every (multimedia) service. Although immersive media services are on the rise, they still lack of accessibility features. This paper presents a web-based player that enables the presentation of immersive 360º contents augmented by a set of access services, like subtitles, (spatial) audio description and sign language. The paper initially provides an overview of the end-to-end broadcast platform in which the player is integrated. Then, the key components that make up the player and its appearance are briefly introduced. Finally, the different accessibility, personalization and interaction features implemented in the player are described. The player is being tested in a series of pilot actions involving users with accessibility needs, is being used as a proof of concept in different standardization activities, and is envisioned to be integrated into the services provided by European broadcasters.


Montagut_ImAc Player Enabling a Personalized Consumption of Accessible Immersive Contents.pdf

Additional details


ImAc – Immersive Accessibility 761974
European Commission