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Published February 17, 2020 | Version v1
Presentation Open

IDCC 2020 Dublin lightning talk: data curation practices in the Netherlands: creating a "Dutch Data Curation Network" (136)


IDCC 2020 Dublin lightning talk: data curation practices in the Netherlands: creating a “Dutch Data Curation Network” (136)

Following a US initiative, in 2019, a Dutch task group investigated the interest, necessity and feasibility of a Data Curation Network in the Netherlands. The task group focused on the following activities:

  • Use the US Data Curation Network CURATE(D) model to make an inventory of data curation practices in the Netherlands
  • Carry out a survey among Dutch organisations involved in data curation, via the National Coordination Point Research Data Management (LCRDM)

The full report can be found at:


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