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Published December 31, 2019 | Version Version Final Submitted draft
Project deliverable Open

D2.3: Platform Functionality Requirements & Specification Report

  • 1. Ibercivis
  • 2. ECSA


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The 'Platform Functionality Requirements & Specification Report' is Deliverable 2.3 (D2.3) within the Coordination and Support Action (CSA) EU-Citizen.Science. The ambition of EU-Citizen.Science is to build, fill, and promote a sustainable platform and mutual learning space providing different tools, best practice examples and relevant scientific outcomes that are collected, curated, and made accessible to different stakeholders, ranging from interested citizens over scientific institutions up to politicians and public media in order to mainstream citizen science in Europe.

This deliverable is divided into two parts:

The first half of this deliverable report describes the work undertaken in WP2: Platform, Community and Network Building to identify the needs and requirements of all stakeholders, to identify best practice for the development of content-rich knowledge-sharing platforms, and to research the availability of existing open source modules or platforms.

The second half of this deliverable report describes the EU Citizen.Science platform structure, the functionality and features that will be developed, the release plan, and the development approach.


D2.3_ Platform Functionality Requirements & Specification Report.pdf

Files (10.6 MB)

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EU-Citizen.Science – The Platform for Sharing, Initiating, and Learning Citizen Science in Europe 824580
European Commission