Published December 31, 2019 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

FAIRplus: D1.2 Selection criteria and guidelines for data sources from IMI projects and EFPIA internal databases

  • 1. Fraunhofer E.V
  • 2. University of Luxembourg
  • 3. Barcelona Supercomputing Centre
  • 4. Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
  • 5. AstraZeneca AB
  • 6. Bayer
  • 7. Novartis Pharmaceuticals
  • 8. University of Oxford


Creating selection criteria and guidelines, to aid identification of IMI datasets with the potential to generate high societal impact upon FAIRification, is an important goal of FAIRplus. This deliverable report describes the process put in place to identify, evaluate and select projects. Two thirds of projects to be addressed by FAIRplus will cover societal priorities of H2020, namely; 1) promoting healthy ageing[1]; 2) addressing chronic diseases; 3) neurodegenerative diseases and 4) emergence of antibiotic resistance. In addition, we have identified cross-cutting projects “Cross” which provide tools  such as cell lines, biomarkers and animal models, which enable research progression in the primary priority areas. In the first period, some 25 projects have been identified based on the application of the criteria and discussions are ongoing with these consortia representatives  in order to provide a steady flow of datasets into FAIRplus.


[1] see


This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No. 802750. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation and EFPIA companies.


D1.2_FAIRplus_Selection criteria and guidelines for data from IMI projects and EFPIA.pdf

Additional details


FAIRplus – FAIRplus 802750
European Commission