Pedagogical activity and basics of geography teaching of academician Arkadiy Zhukovsky (1922 - 2014)
Rudenko Valery, Vintonyak Alla. Pedagogical activity and basics of geography teaching of academician Arkadiy Zhukovsky (1922 - 2014). Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2019;9(11):46-51. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI
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Received: 25.10.2019. Revised: 04.11.2019. Accepted: 07.11.2019.
Pedagogical activity and basics of geography teaching
of academician Arkadiy Zhukovsky (1922 - 2014)
Valery Rudenko1, Alla Vintonyak1
1Chernivtsi National University named after Yuriy Fedkovych, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Valery Rudenko -;
Alla Vintonyak -;
Arkady Zhukovsky is known almost all over the world for his encyclopedic experience, social and political activities, scientific works in the field of history, religion, geography, etc. Along with this an important place in the sphere of his interests and vocations was given to pedagogical activity. An important task for himself, the scientist put systematic work on the organization of Ukrainian school abroad.
The purpose of this exploration is to shed light on the fundamental achievements of the scientist in the field of teaching geography and to make them available to a wide range of readers.
During the study, we used techniques such as search and information gathering, analysis, synthesis of submissions received, explanation and classification when writing articles.
This study examines the approaches and techniques Arcadiy Zhukovsky geography teaching in a foreign country, it focuses on the study of geography Ukraine, but this valuable information can easily be projected onto any other geographic unit and used today in teaching practice. Academician Arkadiy Zhukovsky as a talented scientist, experienced and responsible teacher, a conscious citizen has highlighted important pedagogical values and advice in his publications raised serious questions about the teaching of geography and proposed it solutions. When working with students, the scientist proposes to focus on the following points: analysis of available textbooks for teachers and students; use of comparative characteristics of geographical features of countries; provide the students with materials describing the terrain and landscapes of the countries; pay attention to different levels of students' knowledge.
Undoubtedly, this information will be useful and interesting both for teachers, teachers, scientists, as well as for those who are interested in the life of a famous scientist, academician Arkadiy Zhukovsky.
Key words: Academician Arkadiy Zhukovsky; educational activities; geography; geography teaching; school.
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