Published September 29, 2017 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

Security testing framework: strategy and approach

  • 1. Universität Rostock
  • 2. atsec information security GmbH
  • 3. Epoche and Espri SLU
  • 4. Thales Austria GmbH
  • 5. SYSGO AG
  • 6. Unicontrols A.S.


This deliverable evaluates the state of the art in security testing techniques in relation to relevant industrial security standards. The research starts with a survey of non-industrial security frameworks and general identification of security vulnerabilities. We then have a look into the different testing contexts covered by Common Criteria requirements and IEC62443 standards and certification schemes. This is also brought into context with the certMILS application pilots and the applicability to testing of compositions as the fundamental architecture of a MILS system. Future work will focus on refining features of the testing framework for security testing of operating system components.The strategy for these activities is outlined in the third chapter, together with a short study of the technical feasibility.



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European Commission
certMILS – Compositional security certification for medium- to high-assurance COTS-based systems in environments with emerging threats 731456