Published September 23, 2016 | Version v1
Project deliverable Restricted

ATLAS Deliverable 10.1 Project Management Handbook Version 2

  • 1. University of Edinburgh


This document is a guide to the administrative procedures, financial arrangements and reporting obligations for members of the ATLAS consortium. Partners should also be familiar with the official Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement for the project, both of which may be downloaded from the ‘Partners Only’ area of the ATLAS website at This document does not replace the European Commission guidance documents and the Grant Agreement. Outlined below are the key sections of the Project Management Handbook.



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The Project Management Handbook is listed as a confidential deliverable in the H2020 Grant Agreement. A copy can be made available to users upon request. 

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ATLAS – A Trans-AtLantic Assessment and deep-water ecosystem-based Spatial management plan for Europe 678760
European Commission