Published September 14, 2018 | Version V1
Report Open

Migration Governance: Legal and Policy Framework (Collection of Country Reports)


The present collection of country reports represents the collective work of the following RESPOND national teams: Uppsala Universitet (Swedish report), the Glasgow Caledonian University (Hungarian report), Georg-August Universitat Gottigenstiftung Offentlichen Rechts (German report), University of Cambridge (British report), Svenska Forkningsinstitute i Istanbul (Turkish report), Università di Firenze (Italian report and European Union report), Panepistimio Aigaiou (Greek report), Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschafte (Austrian report), Uniwersytet Warszawski (Polish report), Lebanon Support (Lebanese report), Hammurabi Human Rights Organization (Iraqi report). The activities of this Work Package (WP1) have been coordinated by the University of Florence. We are indebted to all the authors for the competence and enthusiasm with which they fulfilled their tasks and for their collaborative approach.

Each report underwent a double review process: the review by a national expert appointed by national teams, and the review by the work package leader. We are grateful to all national experts that collaborated enhancing the quality of RESPOND research.


D1.2 - WP1 Country Reports - RESPOND - 770564.pdf

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European Commission
RESPOND – RESPOND: Multilevel Governance of Mass Migration in Europe and Beyond 770564