Published August 5, 2014 | Version v1
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The Near Infrared Absorption Spectrum of Water by CRDS Between 1.26-1.70 µm:Complete Empirical Line List and Continuum Absorption

  • 1. UMR5588 LIPhy, Université Grenoble1/CNRS, Saint Martin D’Hères, France
  • 2. Laboratory of Theoretical Spectroscopy, V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics, SB, Russian Academy of Science, 1, Akademician Zuev square, 634021, Tomsk, Russia and Mathematical Physics Department, Tomsk Polytechnic University 30, Lenin av., 634050, Tomsk, Russia


Due to the increasing performances of Airborne- and ground-based spectrometers, a more and more accurate characterization of the water vapor absorption is required. This is especially true in the transparency windows, corresponding to low absorption spectral regions widely used for probing the Earth’s atmosphere. State-of-the-art experimental developments are required to fulfill the needs in terms of accuracy of the spectroscopic data. For that purpose, we are using high-sensitivity Continuous Wave Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy (CW-CRDS) allowing reproducing in laboratory conditions comparable to the atmospheric ones in terms of absorption path length (tens of kilometers), temperature and pressure. From extensive analysis of our CRDS spectra, we have constructed an empirical line list for ”natural” water vapor at 296 K in the 5850 7920 cm−1 region including 38 318 transitions of four major water isotopologues (H2 16O, H218O, H217O and HD16O) with an intensity cut-off of 1·10−29 cm/molecule. The list is made mostly complete over the whole spectral region by including a large number of unobserved weak lines with positions calculated using experimentally determined energy levels and intensities obtained from variational calculations. In addition, we provide HD18O and HD 17O lists in the same region for transitions with intensities larger than 1·10−29 cm/molecule. The HD18O and HD17O lists (1 972 lines in total) were obtained using empirical energy levels available in the literature and variational intensities. The global list (40 290 transitions) including the contribution of the six major isotopologues has been adopted for the new edition of the GEISA database in the region. The advantages and drawbacks of our list will be discussed in comparison with the list provided for the same region in the 2012 edition of the HITRAN database. Separate experiments were dedicated to the measurement of the water vapor self-continuum crosssections in the 1.6 µm window by CW-CRDS at different temperatures (from room temperature to 340 K). Due to the weakness of the broadband absorption signal to be measured, very few measurements of the water vapor continuum are available in the NIR windows especially for temperature conditions relevant for our atmosphere. This is in particular the case for the 1.6 µm window where the very few available measurements show a large disagreement. The absorption cross-sections, Cs(ν, T), were retrieved for different selected wave numbers from a fit of the absorption coefficients measured in real time during pressure ramps, after subtraction of the contributions of the local water monomer lines and of water adsorbed on the CRDS mirrors. The values measured between 5875 and 6665 cm−1 range between 1.5·10−25 and 2·10−24 cm2 molec−1 atm−1 with a minimum around 6300 cm−1. Overall, our measurements are found in strong disagreement with recent FTS measurements and in a good agreement with the values predicted by the MT CKD2.5 model, except for the temperature dependence in the center of the window which is found significantly smaller than predicted.


Session IV: Laboratory Spectroscopy. June 24, 2014.



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