University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague (UCT Prague) supports the dissemination of its research and scholarship as widely as possible. It supports the principle that publicly funded research results should be freely accessible and therefore supports its academic community and other employees in making their research available.

UCT Prague encourages and supports its researchers to make their (research) outputs and metadata as "FAIR" as possible: findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable.

UCT Prague expects its researchers who submit their outputs to the UCT Prague Zenodo Community to adhere to the ethical standards and good research practices of The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and to abide by the Code of Ethics of UCT Prague.

The UCT Prague affirms respect for disciplinary and sub-disciplinary norms and each individual's intellectual investment, recognizing that data underpinning research varies from the creation of new data through experimentation or survey to the extraction of information from sources where the copyright is externally held, such as from published and unpublished texts, archives, works of art, musical manuscripts, etc. The UCT Prague expects its members (staff, researchers, and students, hereafter referred to as ‘researchers’) to submit their data to the UCT Prague Zenodo Community to respect all of the above.