TRansition paths to sUstainable legume based systems in Europe

TRansition paths to sUstainable legume based systems in Europe

TRUE is a europewide research project that intends to explore and develope sustainable legume-based farming systems and agri-feed and food chains in the EU.
Case studies with a range of legumes, sustainability assessments and the exchange of science, practice and policy will lead to reccomodations, how to grow legumes on european fields and how to have more pulses in european meals.
More information can be found on or on social media @TRUElegumes

TRUE structure, objectives and expected outputs

The EU-Horizon2020-project TRUE is a 24 partner consortium covering business and society actors from legume commodity production, processing, and citizens from eleven countries across Europe plus Kenya. They are clustered in the atlantic, continental and mediterranean region.

TRUE is underpinned by science excellence in the natural and social sciences, and humanities. The main aim of TRUE is to identify and enable transition paths to realise successful legume-supported production systems and agri-feed and -food chains. This is achieved via: a true multi-actor approach that balances environmental, economic- and social-securities by minimising environmental impact; optimising diversity and resilience in commercial and environmental terms throughout the supply chain; and delivery of excellent nutrition to ensure the highest possible states of health and wellbeing for people and animals.

TRUE will achieve this using a series of 24 Case Studies to characterise key mechanisms and associated ecosystem services indicators. This will empower the production of popular and novel legume-based products on the basis of improved market perspectives and capabilities, including short supply chains.

Advanced mathematical approaches using Life Cycle Analysis, and socioeconomic and multi-attribute modelling will create unique Decision Support Tools to identify optimal transition paths to ensure legume supported systems are profitable from ‘the push’, of production, to ‘the pull’ of upstream supply chains, markets and consumers.

Critically, the TRUE approach will also advise and empower policy amendments that promote uptake of new farming, processing, manufacturing and retailing practices, in line with the societal considerations of the Responsible Research and Innovation model: policy decision making with state-of-the-art science-based information.