Texts Process (TEP) publishes scientific manuscripts about the language and linguistics of Spanish. In particular, TEP disseminates papers that provide thematic, theoretical, empirical and terminological research-based results within, but not limited to, the area of pragmatics, sociopragmatics, sociocultural pragmatics and discourse analysis. TEP is intended to be an agile channel for the dissemination of results of ongoing research projects, so it specializes in the publication of working papers leading to original research articles.
Texts in Process (TEP) is an international academic publication about Spanish language and linguistics, double-blindly reviewed by an international Editorial Board, an Academic Board and external reivewers. It is published since 2015 by ASICE-EDICE Programme in Europe (Stockholm, Seville) and Latin America (Buenos Aires). It publishes an annual volume with two biannual issues (June, December), with 350 pages on average. It provides complete and unrestricted open access, without charges or fees for shipping, reviewing, processing and publishing articles.
Publishing House
For over eighteen years, EDICE Programme (www.edice.org) has published the results of European and Latin American research projects on the phenomenon of politeness in Spanish. Up to 2018, EDICE Programme has published 12 books and more than 400 peer-reviewed articles, most of them available online as open access resources. This initiative positioned EDICE Programme in a prominent place in the academic community to which it is addressed. In 2012, this community created the International Association for Communication Studies in Spanish (ASICE), registered as a legal entity in Sweden under registration number 802467-0997 to guarantee academic freedom in pursuit of the democratic system and joint social advancement.
ISSN: 2001-967X
Themes and scope
Texts Process (TEP) publishes scientific manuscripts on the language and linguistics of Spanish. In particular, TEP disseminates papers that provide thematic, theoretical, empirical and terminological research-based results within, but not limited to, the area of pragmatics, sociopragmatics, sociocultural pragmatics and discourse analysis. TEP is intended to be an agile channel for the dissemination of results of ongoing research projects, so it specializes in the publication of working papers leading to original research articles.
TEP accepts original research articles, working papers, drafts of partial research results, conference presentations, technical reports or research records. All manuscripts are reviewed and approved by members of the Editorial Committee, the Academic Committee and through a double-blind peer-review process involving international experts. TEP publishes one volume per year, with two issues in July and December. TEP is an electronic open access publication charges for authors without charges or embargoes to authors or readers.
Frequency of publication
Texts in Process (TEP) publishes one volume per year in two biannual issues in June and December, with a total of approximately 300-400 pages in electronic format.
Texts in Process (TEP) is sponsored by Stockholm University and its Department of Romance and Classical Studies. Its edition and publication is possible thanks to the academic and technical knowledge of the staff at the universities mentioned in the Editorial Team section.