SWECO25: a cross-thematic raster database for ecological research in Switzerland

SWECO25: a cross-thematic raster database for ecological research in Switzerland

Standard and easily accessible cross-thematic spatial databases are key resources in ecological research. In Switzerland, available data are scattered in the servers of their host institutions and are rarely provided in standard formats (e.g., different spatial extents or projections systems, inconsistent naming conventions, etc.). Consequently, their joint use can require heavy data management and geomatic operations. Here we introduce SWECO25, a 25-meter resolution raster database gathering > 5,000 layers from 10 main environmental categories. SWECO25 layers were standardized using a common spatial grid covering all of Switzerland, so they all share the same spatial resolution, extent, and projection system. SWECO25 includes both the standardized source data and newly calculated layers, such as those obtained by computing focal or distance statistics. The SWECO25 database is openly available and is intended to be improved, updated, and extended at regular intervals.

Associated publication

Külling, N., Adde, A., Fopp, F., Schweiger, A. K., Broennimann, O., Rey, P.-L., Giuliani, G., Goicolea, T., Petitpierre, B., Zimmermann, N. E., Pellissier, L., Altermatt, F., Lehmann, A., & Guisan, A. (2024). SWECO25: A cross-thematic raster database for ecological research in Switzerland. Scientific Data, 11(1), Article 1. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02899-1