The SPADATAS project aims to provide tools and resources for data awareness and reduce problems regarding data privacy, security, and confidentiality of students, as well as indications on how to select from these resources to enhance data treatment processes into primary and secondary schools.
The main objectives of the SPADATAS project are two:
- Develop open and public tools of data fragility awareness, auto-assessment and data treatment processes mapping regarding data privacy and security to detect issues in data treatment processes in primary and secondary schools (mixed method: quantitative research with qualitative evaluation).
- Conduct education-role-targeted workshops by schoolteachers trained as data fragility awareness agents to spread data fragility awareness and extract good practices on data academic management of students.
- Release a digital platform and a handbook of good practices regarding data academic management to implement effective processes in primary and secondary schools to help protect the data privacy, security, and confidentiality of students, in collaboration with the communities and associations of a region and considering the General Data Protection Regulation.
The main results of the SPADATAS project are two:
- The building of an auto-assessment tool with public results to raise awareness about data fragility and help detect privacy gaps in data academic treatment
- and the edition of a handbook of good practices, published also as a web platform, as a resource to help improve students' data privacy, security, and confidentiality treatment processes.