This volume contains the abstracts of the Academic Track at the State of the Map 2019 that was held on July 4-5, 2020 online (originally planned in Cape Town, South Africa).


Minghini, M.1, Coetzee, S.2, Juhász, L.3, Yeboah, G.4, Mooney, P.5, Grinberger, A.Y.6

1 European Commission, JRC, Italy
2 University of Pretoria, South Africa
3 Florida International University, USA
4 University of Warwick, UK
5 Maynooth University, Ireland
6 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Please cite individual abstracts as 

<Authors> (2020). <Title>. In: Minghini, M., Coetzee, S., Juhász, L., Yeboah, G., Mooney, P., Grinberger, A.Y.  (Eds.). Proceedings of the Academic Track at the State of the Map 2020. July 4-5, 2020. Available at