The availability and accessibility to publications and research data is an important step towards open-science. This Zenodo community of the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) intends to gather scientific research published on Zenodo of all members of the RUB to contribute to the visibility of the university’s research output. 


If there are any questions, we are happy to help.
Research Data Services:



The information published on the RUB Zenodo community webpages has been compiled to the best of our knowledge, but does not claim to always be up-to-date, correct or complete. This also applies to the information linked on the webpages. The operators of the linked webpages are solely responsible for their content. The RUB is not responsible for any content published in the RUB Zenodo community. 

Please note the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy of Zenodo for further information.