RISIS - Research infrastructure for research and innovation policy studies

RISIS - Research infrastructure for research and innovation policy studies

RISIS is a data and services infrastructure supporting the development of a new generation of analyses and indicators for research and innovation policy studies. It has demonstrated its relevance by providing access to a number of relevant datasets, covering firm innovation, R&D outputs, public research and higher education, policy learning and research careers, and to data analysis services, such as organisation registers, geo-coding or annotation tools, for hundreds of researchers across Europe. Access to RISIS datasets and services is free of charge, and is handled by the RISIS datasets portal where researchers can request access (both distant and in form of physical visits to different dataset owners). RISIS is clearly inscribed into the open science movement, i.e. it opens datasets and services, but requires publishable and open research to be produced with RISIS datasets or services. 
