
Publish and disseminate knowledge through original research that brings reflections of a theoretical, practical or empirical nature.


Target Audience

Academics, researchers and professors of Undergraduate and/or Graduate Courses.


Online Submissions

Articles are submitted to the journal through registration and subsequent access through login and password, allowing the author to monitor the editorial process. The Revista Científica Sophia (RCS) is a continuous flow journal, that is, it can receive scientific articles at any time of the year. Templates.


Peer Review Process

Articles submitted to Revista Sophia undergo prior evaluation by the Editor-in-Chief, who, in turn, analyzes and forwards the document to the Associate or Guest Editor, depending on their area of ​​expertise, to assess the submission. If the article needs adjustments, guidelines are sent to authors for correction, such as: number of pages, font, compliance with ABNT standards, compliance with journal rules, titles of authors and/or co-authors, etc. After this filter, there are the following steps:

- The article is sent to ad hoc evaluators (peer review) through the double blind system, where the author does not know the reviewer and the reviewer does not know the author, guaranteeing impartiality.

- Upon receipt of the article, the reviewer must agree to the terms of secrecy and declare that he or she has no impediment to evaluating the document.

- After the evaluation, the reviewers issue two reports: one to the Associate or Guest Editor with the review.

- one to the authors containing the opinion about the work, recommendation of acceptance, correction or rejection together with the evaluated points.

- It is up to the Associate or Guest Editor to forward the opinion to the author, when issuing his final opinion.

- Under no circumstances can the Associate or Guest Editor change the evaluation issued by the reviewer.

- There will be rejection by the Associate or Guest Editors if the article does not meet the minimum requirements demanded by the Journal.





Free Access Policy

Sophia Journal grants free and immediate access to its content, following the principle that free access to scientific knowledge leads to greater and better democratization of knowledge.


Privacy Policy

The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.



All articles in this journal are licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.


Copyright Policy

The authors are solely responsible for the content of the texts, holding the rights over the articles. The journal does not restrict the management of copyrights by the authors.


Cost Policy

This journal is financed exclusively by its own resources, with no cost for authors. Also, there are no costs for submitting manuscripts.


Code of ethics

Our code is based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (Committee on Publication Ethics, 2011). Manuscripts undergo a thorough originality check in page detection software before being peer-reviewed.