A research compendium enables reproducible research by packaging data, software, and documentation of a scientific analysis. Gentleman, R. and Temple Lang, D. (2004) "introduce[d] the concept of a compendium as both a container for the different elements that make up the document and its computations (i.e. text, code, data,...), and as a means for distributing, managing and updating the collection."

This community is an effort to collect research compendia from all disciplines of science. It is not limited to a specific programming language or software.

By providing a starting point for research compendia on Zenodo, the community aims to improve visibility for reproducible scientific publications and spread the awareness about the usefulness and power of research compendia.


Preparing a compendium for submission

The curation policy is described in the sidebar to the right of this page, it only requires the bare minimum. If you want to create excellent research compendia to boost your research and collaborations, either with others or your future self, we recommend diving into these resources:  

Uploading a new record to the community

Follow the instructions in the right-hand sidebar if you want to upload a research compendium to Zenodo for the first time.

Adding an existing Zenodo record to the community

  1. Go to your Uploads page, where you can see items previously deposited: https://zenodo.org/deposit

  2. Choose one, click on it, then click 'Edit'

  3. Scroll down to 'Communities' and type "research compendium"; it should autocomplete, and then click on that.

  4. Once it's added...

    Scroll to the very top or bottom and click 'Save' then 'Publish', and watch for the confirmation.

  5. Wait for the curators to approve the submission.

Community curators team:

  • Daniel Nüst
  • Carl Boettiger
  • Ben Marwick
  • Vicky Steeves