REPOPSI allows everyone to freely access and share Open-Access psychological scales, tests, and other research instruments translated into Serbian or developed by Serbian scientists. It was founded in 2020, by the Laboratory for Research of Individual Differences (LIRA) at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy in Serbia.

The project titled “TRUST-ification and FAIR-ification of an open repository for research instruments in psychology: REPOPSI's adoption of RDA outputs” was active from October 2022 to July 2023. It received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017536 and was supported by the EOSC Future through the RDA Open Call mechanism, based on evaluations of external, independent experts. The aim of this project was to improve REPOPSI’s TRUST-worthiness as well as the FAIR-ness of its (meta)data. The project was focused on building the Repository’s technologies needed to improve its adherence especially to the principles of User Focus, Sustainability, Findability, and Interoperability. Dissemination and community activities were designed to promote further uptake of RDA outputs.
