The primary research objectives of RASOPTA are to identify and bridge existing knowledge gaps in the production of fish species that are important to human nutrition and economy in Europe. The research objectives share a central pivot in the development of a new DNA chip designed for the RAS industry. The objectives are studied in the following 3 work-packages (WPs):
WP1. New technologies for upgrading of the water quality in RAS by optimizing biofilters for improved microbial and chemical water quality; quantification of the biological role of micro-particles that typically are abundant in water in RAS; and determination of the impact of microbes in the water to the fish microbiome.
WP2. Identification of dominant off-flavours in water and fish from freshwater and marine RAS; location of hotspots and microbial ecology of the off-flavour producing microorganisms; test of conventional and new prototypes of fish feeds for content of off-flavours; and isolation of off-flavour degrading bacteria that can assist in elimination of off-flavour episodes in RAS.
WP3. Control of the abundance of common disease-causing bacteria and parasites in fish in RAS; evaluation of fish welfare in intensive fish production systems; establishment of safe procedures for biosecurity; and design of a DNA-based chip as an early warning tool for typical health and water quality hazards in RAS.
The research will be conducted through interdisciplinary and university-industry driven research-based training. To achieve the research goals, innovative approaches within microbial ecology, molecular biology and bioinformatics will be combined with cutting-edge analytical technologies.
Description of community collection (to be created)