the two-year INDIGO project aims to build the basis to systematically document | disseminate | analyse almost 13 km of uninterrupted graffiti along Vienna’s Donaukanal (Eng. Danube Canal) in the next decade

graffiti community engagement and regular photo visits allow INDIGO to build a spatially, spectrally, and temporally accurate record of most (il)legal sprayings, engravings and other personal expressions  on the Canal’s public urban surfaces

a spatial database manages all images and relevant metadata like style, artist pseudonym and creation data, while the involvement of graffiti creators and scholars safeguard (meta)data correctness and completeness

this database feeds a free online platform that empowers everyone to explore (through virtual walks or displaying the change of graffiti through time) and analyse (via spatio-temporal-semantic queries) all graffiti records

storage in a certified repository ensures the necessary digital longevity and free download of all data, so that INDIGO can realistically preserve and disseminate society’s thoughts and artistic expressions marked upon its walls