Projecte ATENC!O: Ciència Ciutadana, Contaminació, Cognició i Comunitat

Projecte ATENC!O: Ciència Ciutadana, Contaminació, Cognició i Comunitat

The ATENC!Ó project aims to study whether air pollution in schools can affect attention processes of adolescents using an experimental design. To do this from a RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation) perspective, the study has two main aims: to open science and to empower citizens (particularly adolescents, teachers, families ...).

ATENC!Ó is a project led by the Barcelona Institute of Global Health (ISGlobal) and CRECIM (Research Centre for Education in Sciences and Mathematics), funded by RecerCaixa and with the support of IDAEA-CSIC and the Economy and Enterprise Department of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF).