Information and results related to the research project.

The main objective of the project is to prove the efficiency of using fibres as restraining agents combined with the internal curing aggregates and low clinker cementitious systems in real scale precast concrete elements to define the best curing conditions and promote the use of these sustainable fabrication strategies in the precast industry

  • To prove the efficiency of the different strategies separately and together at the material scale checking the suitable behaviour at fresh state and hardened state (specially shrinkage)
  • To prove the efficiency of the healing strategies separately and together at real scale using a concrete element with a high surface to volume ratio (partition wall prototype)
  • To prove the efficiency of the healing strategies separately and together at real scale using a concrete element with a low surface to volume ratio (beam prototype)
  • To employ BIM methodology in the development of the concrete elements and to finally model them as parametric objects that can be used by the engineers in the building design.

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