This Zenodo community contains documents related to the Thème PLUME Patrimoine logiciel d'un laboratoire. PLUME means "Promouvoir les Logiciels Utiles Mtrisés et Economiques dans l’Enseignement Supérieur et la Recherche (ESR)". It was a (French) CNRS project (2006-2013) with the following four main goals regarding software in the French higher education and research (academic) community:

  • Share competences and value knowledge
  • Promote software produced by the community
  • Create and lead a developers’ community
  • promote the use of and contributions to free/open source software (FOSS)

Or as presented in French:

  • Mutualiser les compétences sur les logiciels (et les valoriser)
  • Promouvoir les développements internes (ESR)
  • Animer une communauté autour du logiciel
  • Promouvoir l’usage et la contribution aux logiciels libres

Most of the documents presented here are in French.

This community is managed by Teresa Gomez-Diaz (