All presentation slides are now available on the community page! https://zenodo.org/communities/nird
The sixth annual Northeast Institutional Repository Day (NIRD24) is a free virtual event that brings together those in the Northeast (and beyond!) who manage or are interested in institutional repositories, digital collections, and digital preservation. NIRD24 will be held on Thursday, December 5, 2024 from 1-5pm EST and Friday, December 6, 2024 from 10am-12pm EST. This site is a repository of conference materials and managed by the NIRD Planning and Programming Committees.
If you attended NIRD 2024, please complete our Survey: https://tinyurl.com/nird2024survey
NIRD24 Registration
Virtual Conference
- Where: Zoom (link provided after registration). Each day of NIRD24 will have a unique registration link.
- The schedule is posted at https://tinyurl.com/nird2024.
Watch Party
- Where: Harvard University
- Details about the Watch Party can be found in this information sheet.
We’re asking all attendees to register through Zoom even if they plan on attending the in-person Watch Party.
By registering for NIRD, you are agreeing to abide by the NIRD Code of Conduct.
For Zoom registration questions, please contact Erin Jerome (ewjerome@library.umass.edu).
For Watch Party questions, please contact Colin Lukens (colin_lukens@harvard.edu)
NIRD24 Watch Party - *NEW*
The Northeast Institutional Repository Day 2024 (NIRD24) Executive and Program Committees are pleased to announce the NIRD24 Watch Party. The Watch Party is an experimental add-on to the 2024 Northeast Institutional Repository Day (NIRD24), offering a unique in-person experience for attendees. At this optional event, we will come together to view the entire online conference, with all sessions broadcasted for collective watching in one location. This setup not only allows you to watch the sessions with fellow attendees but also offers plenty of opportunities for socializing, networking, and engaging in face-to-face discussions.
Please see the Watch Party information and resources handout for all the details and information. NIRD24 conference registration is separate from the Watch Party registration.
If you are in the northeast (and beyond!) and choose to watch the conference with others, we hope you can join us.
If you have questions about NIRD24, please contact one of the conference organizers.
NIRD24 Planning Committee
- Emily Ping O’Brien, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Conference Chair) (epobrien@wpi.edu)
- Erin Jerome, UMass Amherst (ewjerome@library.umass.edu)
- Colin Lukens, Harvard (colin_lukens@harvard.edu)
- Lisa Palmer, UMass Chan Medical School (lisa.palmer@umassmed.edu)
NIRD24 Program Committee
- Laura Vavrosky, University of Minnesota Duluth (Program Chair) (vavr0040@d.umn.edu)
- Denise Brush, Rowan University (brush@rowan.edu)
- Michael Burke, Berklee College of Music (mburke3@berklee.edu)
- Sadie Roosa, MIT (sroosa@mit.edu)
- Jessica Ryan, Smith College (jryan@smith.edu)
- Peter Whiting, University of Southern Indiana (pwhiting@usi.edu)
MORE About Northeast Institutional Repository Day (NIRD)
A group of librarians from New England collaborated to organize the first-ever Northeast Institutional Repository Day (NIRD) at Boston University on June 18, 2019. The goal of this free event was to bring together all in the Northeast (and beyond) who manage or are interested in institutional repositories, digital collections, and digital preservation. We are platform agnostic. Following on that successful conference, NIRD has become an annual event. See the links below for details and presentations from each conference.
- 2019 Northeast Institutional Repository Day (NIRD19)
- 2020 Northeast Institutional Repository Day (NIRD20)
- 2021 Northeast Institutional Repository Day (NIRD21)
- 2022 Northeast Institutional Repository Day (NIRD22)
- 2023 Northeast Institutional Repository Day (NIRD23)
For more information about the history of NIRD, see our November 2019 article in Against the Grain: "NIRDs Unite: Building a Community of Institutional Repository Practitioners in the Northeast."
NIRD Code of Conduct
The Northeast Institutional Repository Day (NIRD) values your attendance and is dedicated to providing a positive, harassment-free conference experience for everyone. We want NIRD to be welcoming and supportive and we do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form.
All communication should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of many different backgrounds. Verbal comments that reinforce social structures of domination related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, national or regional origin, body size, race, age, religion (or lack thereof), or other marginalized characteristics are inappropriate. Be kind and respectful to others. Do not insult or put down other attendees. Be careful in the words that you choose. Remember that sexist, racist, and other exclusionary jokes are not appropriate for NIRD. We ask that participants use discretion with photographs of others, recordings, and publicly sharing others' ideas.
If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the NIRD Planning Committee may take any action it deems appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the event. If you are being harassed, witness another participant being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact an event organizer immediately; see Attendee Procedure for Handling Harassment for more detail about what would happen. At in-person events, event organizers will wear identifying buttons. To contact event organizers during an online event, please use the NIRD contact email address, which is monitored on event days: nird.contact@gmail.com (alternatively, you can send a private chat in Zoom to an identified NIRD organizer).
This policy is adapted from the policies of:
- Social Science Librarians Boot Camp 2019
- CritLib Unconference 2015
- Ontario Library Association Super Conference 2018
- Foss4G 2017
This policy is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero license. It is public domain, no credit and no open licensing of your version is required.
Website Platform Migration
In August 2022, Northeast Institutional Repository Day (NIRD) moved from the bepress Digital Commons platform to Open Repository, a DSpace platform hosted by Atmire. In keeping with the collaborative and platform-agnostic spirit of the NIRD community, NIRD decided in August 2024 to host all forthcoming conference content on Zenodo. Content from the 2019-2023 NIRD conferences will continue to be hosted and available from UMass Chan Medical School’s institutional repository, eScholarship@UMassChan. Moving to Zenodo enables us to share the management of our repository without worrying about institutional affiliations or differences between our own IR platforms. Thank you to UMass Chan for hosting the 2019-2023 conference materials.
Image credit: Boston University Libraries' Greene Scholars Creative Team and particularly to Hannah Hong (CFA '23).