

TU Dresden ,
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research ,
German Climate Computing Centre ,
Goethe University Frankfurt ,
Leibniz University Hannover ,
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences ,
Bochum University of Applied Sciences ,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ,
Max Planck Society ,
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry ,
Senckenberg Society for Nature Research ,
Leipzig University

In general, uploads in the NFDI4Earth community should follow the NFDI4Earth principles and reflect the NFDI4Earth Ambition.

Concretely, the curation team (reachable at will check for the following in submissions:

  • Concrete relation to NFDI4Earth, e.g., a report or dataset from an NFDI4Earth pilot, an NFDI4Earth deliverable, a white paper from the project, or a presentation of project results, especially based on keywords. The keyword NFDI4Earth is always appropriate.
    • If you submit a record related to a pilot, please use the case-sensitive keyword
      NFDI4Earth Pilot
    • If you submit a record related to a project in the incubator lab, please use the case-sensitive keyword
      NFDI4Earth Incubator
    • If you submit a record related to the NFDI4Earth Academy, please use the case-sensitive keyword
      NFDI4Earth Academy
    • If you submit a record related to the NFDI4Earth interest groups, please use the case-sensitive keyword
      NFDI4Earth Interest Group
    • If you submit a record related to the NFDI4Earth education and training activities, please use the case-sensitive keyword
      NFDI4Earth EduTrain
    • If you submit a record related to one or more of the NFDI4Earth products (USN, LHB), please use a fitting (case-sensitive) keyword, too:
      NFDI4Earth Living Handbook
      NFDI4Earth User Support Network
      NFDI4Earth OneStop4All
      NFDI4Earth Knowledge Hub
      NFDI4Earth Label
      NFDI4Earth FAIRness and Openness Commitment
    • If you submit a record related to an NFDI4Earth Plenary meeting, please fill out the "Conference" section based on previous records and use fitting keywords:
      NFDI4Earth Plenary
      NFDI4Earth Plenary 2024
  • Completeness and correctness of metadata, e.g., author names, use of related identifiers to link to other resources such as GitLab projects, suitable upload type, meaningful description text, and a good set of keywords. Very importantly, all authors should have an ORCID.
  • Appropriate acknowledgement of NFDI4Earth in case of (financial) support (see in a separate "Additional Description" field of the type "Notes" , see this example.
  • An open license.