Uploads to this community are accepted and welcome if they are directly related to the NFDI4BIOIMAGE project OR if they cover the topics bioimaging or bioimage analysis, if possible in the context of research data management. This may include topics such as bioimage file formats, metadata annotations of bioimage data and ontologies, bioimage analysis workflows, sharing and archiving of bioimage data and data management practices with a focus on microscopy data. Particularly welcome is materials to support the implementation of the FAIR principles in bioimaging including teaching and training materials in the life sciences.
If your work is a direct NFDI4BIOIMAGE project result, the published material must acknowledge the funding agency DFG as demanded by the DFG regulations (Verwendungsrichtlinien) and could be stated like: 'This work is part of the NFDI4BIOIMAGE project funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG grant number NFDI 46/1, project number 501864659).'
If your work is the result of a collaboration with NFDI4BIOIMAGE please state this accordingly including an acknowledgement of the contributors.
If unsure if your publication here on zenodo should be included in the NFDI4BIOIMAGE community, please contact: helpdesk (AT) nfdi4bioimage.de